
JISTIČE, DC JISTIČE a ODPOJOVAČE BATERIÍ, JISTIČE PRO FOTOVOLTAIKU, elektromechanické prvky, spínače, tlačítka, LED Arrays

E-T-A Elektrotechnische Apparate GmbH

E-T-A Elektrotechnische Apparate GmbH je tradičním výrobcem kvalitních jističů, vypínačů a ochran před přepětím a nadproudem / zkratem. Výrobky pracují na bázi tepelné / elektromagnetické / magneto-hydraulické technologie jištění.
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Elma Group Inc.

Founded in 1960, the Elma Group today is a leading supplier for 19" electronic packaging and rotary components worldwide. Elma Electronic is a global company that designs and manufactures solutions in electronics packaging. The company provides standard to fully customized components such as modular enclosures, cabinets and backplanes up to complete system integration. Elma also manufactures precision rotary switches. The company offers a fast, flexible response to customer needs and extensive practical knowledge in tailoring solutions to specific applications. The Rotary Components division is a technology leader in rotary and coded switches, mechanical and optical encoders and is the preferred supplier in many electronic industries. Knobs , LED arrays, and pushbutton and dip switches complete the product offering. Customization is offered “in any quantity”.
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